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A message from Kathy-Lifetime Member,

So glad you stopped by to visit today. I hope you find something useful, thought provoking, motivational or just entertaining about my blog. I would be so pleased if you would leave a comment or two and please come back often.

Thank you to all my weight loss friends!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Good Reading!!

I am recommending the book "Just 10 LBS" by Brad Lamm. He appears on the Dr. Oz show and is a recommended reading from Dr. Oz for weight loss issues. I have been reading it and have learned alot about why I binge and how to overcome my eating addiction.
Just read this in the Just 10 Lbs book and it really opened my eyes. Our health doesn't just belong to us. It belongs to our families also. If I were to suffer a debilitating illness it would be my family that would have to take care of me thus changing their live's forever. I would think of the stress, worry, anxiety etc. that it would put them through. If I love those who love me I will honor my body and not engage in "health" destructive behaviors. I will make healthy choices every day to honor my body, myself and my family who I love and cherish dearly!!!
Going out for my walk now!!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

What the scale doesn't tell you.

Someone posted this on my facebook page and just had to share it with you!!
It's not about the numbers...it's about honoring your body and making good choices everyday to keep it healthy so that it can do all the amazing things it was meant to do for you everyday of your life...Take good care of your body,  it's the only one you've got! 
Eat Healthy! Play Healthy!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Love yourself!!

Working on loving myself more...trying to accept that a couple of extra inches around my waist does not define me as a person.  I have many reasons to love my body:
I have two strong legs that take me where I need to go and never fail me!!  I have hands and arms that are capable of working hard to earn a living but also can give loving embraces to those I care about.  This body brought forth my 3 beautiful children who I cherish dearly.  I have eyes that help me to see and appreciate all the beautiful things in this world that God has put before us like rainbows and flowers and radiant sunsets.  My nose allows me to enjoy wonderful smells like a fresh Spring breeze, newly mowed grass, warm cookies straight from the oven,  and the baby smell of a tiny infant.  My ears allow me to hear a babbling brook, birds chirping, peepers peeping, the sound of my children's laughter, and my husband's I love yous.  My skin let's me feel loving touches, warm Spring breezes and gentle Summer showers.  My heart is strong and loving.  My mouth let's me share my deepest feelings and enjoy the tastes of all kinds of wonderful food and allows me to nourish this gift I have been given.  I will do everything in my power to take care of my body, to appreciate it so much more and give it all the health it deserves.  After all... it really has done so much for me my whole life.  So for all of you....please love yourself and your body no matter what stage in life you are in and take good care of it.  It's the only one you've got! 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What's your process?

The process of losing weight is hard but if you truly desire it then you must accept the fact that it does take time and energy. You have to change your schedule to make it work for you...when you make up your mind to this it will become easier for you.

 What is part of your weight loss process that has been successful for you in the past and what are you going to do to get back to that process if you truly wish to commit yourself to losing weight? Please post yours even if they are similar to mine. That way you become accountable. Tee hee hee
Here are some of mine:

-weighing myself regularly (every day for me)
-commit to follow a consistant exercise routine!
-drink a ton of water everyday
-evaluate what I eat (low on carbs and fats, high on protein and fiber)
-incorporate fruits, veggies and lean proteins with every meal
-aim for 35-40 grams of fiber everyday
-stop late night bingeing!!!!!!!!!!!
-no eating in between meals...no skipping meals!!!!
-avoid artificial sweeteners.
-take frequent breaks at work or while watching tv to get up and move your body and burn bonus calories.

quote for today~ "A set back is only a set up for a comeback!!!
Today is a new day with new choices!! Here's to an awesome comeback to all of us in this new year!!! Hugs!!!

I'm Back!!!...again

New year and a new me...again.  "Every set back is a set  up for a comeback"... and I plan on making an awesome comeback.  I am slowly getting myself in gear for getting back on track and losing the weight I gained over the holidays.  (let's face it it wasn't just the holidays...tee hee hee)  I will be checking in and reading what all of you have to say and hopefully this will jumpstart my motivation to make it happen once again.  I have been out of work for the past 2 weeks and my schedule has been thrown all out of whack but back to work on Monday and back to a routine.  Am still thinking about whether I want to go back to W/Ws this year.  I really hate all that counting of points!!  It does work though.  I will have to think on that some more.  Don't really want to pay for it right now.  Will see how I do on my own and that will be a backup plan.  Onward and upward.  Off to check out what you all have been up to. 
By the way...I gained 10 lbs since I last posted here...so mad at myself!!!  Just felt like I had to confess that...Now I have to be accountable!